Saturday, Nov. 26 – 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Book Your Seat or Table at Ramsey’s
Table for 4: $200 • Table for 6: $300
Single Seat: $50 • Tables for 2,4,6,8 or More Available
All Proceeds go to the Foundation. Tables include limited appetizers and a Bloody Mary or Mimosa for each seat.
Cash bar and full Ramsey’s and Paxton’s menus available for the
event. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the Big Game with family and
friends in a fun setting, regardless of who they’re rooting for.
Both Ramsey’s and Paxton’s will have:
$20 Squares
Buy your squares now! No need to be present to win. All proceeds split between the square winners
($100 for first three quarters; $700 for final score) and the Loveland Legacy Foundation.
Split The Pot
Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar